Monday, July 18, 2016

Sometimes it stinks.

So, there is a teaching out there and a common belief based around the thought that we need to be kind and compassionate to every one we meet because everyone is facing a battle that we know nothing about. It pushes us to be understanding and sympathetic. It's a great thought. It has helped me more times than I can count and I know that my heart is softer towards others because of this thought.

However, there's another side to this situation that doesn't get any attention. There are people that I'm in contact with, people in my life that are going through some really rough things. I know they are in pain. I know they are overwhelmed and sometimes confused. I know that they need help and understanding. And so, that is what I've given to them. I've sought out times to smile and talk with them. I've been understanding and extended my friendship even at times when I didn't really have extra time to give. And these people, these friends and acquaintances of mine have returned my kindness with rudeness. I've been ignored. I've been blamed. I've been given long one way monologues. I've been insulted. I've been taken for granted.

I had to just take it. I walked away hurt or ignored and couldn't say a thing.

And this isn't ok.

Going through a really rough time does not give allowance for mistreatment like this. People should still be kind even if we're in pain.

Kindness on both sides. That's the goal.